The company

About us

Based on the established partnership with the country leading CRO, the system focused on customer needs from the very beginning of its development.

Based on the established partnership with the country leading CRO, the system focused on customer needs from the very beginning of its development.

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logo of orphinic

Orphinic Scientific, a parent entity of Virtual Monitor, provides sufficient know-how and resources for the system's effective development, ensuring its best quality.

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Our team

The company's success is established by its team, and Virtual Monitor is led by people with tremendous experience and a comprehensive set of skills.

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Adam Kruszewski

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20+ years of international experience (pharma, health care sector, PE, VC), C- level executive with track record of successful turnarounds (Luxmed (Bupa Group), Medicover $1B, Medycyna Rodzinna). Built/sold own international business KCR, a leading CRO in the region. Set up influential health care think tank (CEE HPN). Advisor and investor in unicorn Doc Planner.

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Michał Krużycki

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15+ years of professional work. Hands-on manager with a strong background in project management. Roles in senior leadership extended to marketing, product development, technical support and administrative functions.

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Zbigniew Leś

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Technology & science

20+ years of international experience in delivering innovative, technology-driven services and solutions in life science industries. His competencies stretch across system analysis, product management, through sales & marketing to CxO level end-to-end business & operations.

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Szymon Igras

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Product design

UI / UX designer with 7+ years of experience working with large multidimensional software projects, applications and more.

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Ksawery Stojak

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Master of Science in Engineering with Innovation and Entrepreneurship from University College London. 3+ years of experience


NIP: 7011055882

ul. KOLEJOWA 45a/65, 01-210 WARSZAWA


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Fundusze Europejskie
Rzeczpospolita Polska
Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Celem projektu jest opracowanie technik w zakresie wirtualizacji oraz automatyzacji procesu przebiegu badania klinicznego. Współfinansowanie ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój (Działanie 1.3: Prace B+R finansowane z udziałem funduszy kapitałowych Poddziałanie 1.3.1: Wsparcie Projektów badawczo-rozwojowych w fazie preseed przez fundusze typu proof of concept – BRIdge Alfa): 784.000 zł.

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